Friday, April 5, 2013

A Definate Read

As I finished reading Holding on To Good Ideas by Thomas Newkirk I was relieved to know there was a book that relayed the messeage-just because it's a new idea means it's a good one!  Newkirk gives a short journey though the history of Reading and Writing instruction.  Many of the ideas have circulated, while many have come and gone.  I found it interesting that Newkirk point to the standardize test makes for the Reading crisis "Those who are pushing standardized, scripted education first created a climate of crisis-despite all evidence to the contrary, they would claim that reading failure was widespread in schools, there we were in an epidemic, that schools were failing, that we were still a "a nation at risk," and that a big new remedy (their) was the answer." (Newkirk pg. 41)  With so many new and improved ideas, it was a relief to know there are some that are tried and true.  Mostly it's based on common sense.  Reading needs Writing, let students enjoy the process and not view it as a punishment.
This book is refreshing and humorous, he is honest in his view of the continually changing education instruction.  I would definitely recommend to this book to any one who has been frustrated by the education system.

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